
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Walker Gets A Dental!

Today, Walker visited a dentist. He has been dropping his feed, but we had to wait until he gained enough weight to be able to handle the sedative. We transported him to Howard Finley's on Klondike Road, where several other equines were also scheduled to have their teeth done.

Panhandle Equine Rescue would like to thank Dr. Tyler Dees D.V.M., CEqDT for doing such a good job on Walker. We have used him in the past on other rescues and are quite pleased with his services. Our veterinarian, Dr. Hank Lee highly endorses him also, which is a plus. Howard Finley assists Dr. Dees on most dentals and makes it easier for the client, since he is very good at handling the horses.

If you are coming to the Ride For Rescue, this Saturday, March 26th, Dr. Dees will be there doing a demonstration. He also has the whole afternoon filled with clients, so he will be busy working at Coldwater Stables!

If you are interested in getting professional dental work done on your horse, you can call 251-802-0112 to set up an appointment. Dr. Dees provides equine dental services throughout the southeast. He also has a facebook page that is filled with lots of interesting photos and videos, as well as what areas he will be working in. Go to Facebook and enter "Performance Horse Dentistry" in the search box.

Walker, you've had quite a week, boy! I'm sure this will hasten your recovery, so hopefully by the end of Spring, you will be looking and feeling your best! Thank you, Dr. Dees!

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